Terran graduated as valedictorian of the 2003 class of Clinton County High School. She graduated magna cum laude from the University of Kentucky in 2007, with a degree in Political Science. She received her Juris Doctor from the University of Kentucky College of Law in 2010. Terran practiced law in Albany, Kentucky with her father, David M. Cross, from 2010 – 2016. In the Fall of 2016, Terran was sworn in as an Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney in the 57th Judicial Circuit (Russell and Wayne Counties). Terran also serves as an Assistant to the Russell County Attorney Kevin Shearer. Outside of prosecution, Terran’s practices of law primarily include Social Security Disability and family law.
Terran is involved in various community organizations. She serves on the Russell County Drug Court team. She has coached softball for the Russell County Little League and volleyball for the Columbia Christian Upward program. She also serves in the children’s ministry at Russell Springs First Baptist Church. Terran is married to Derrick Helm. They have two children.
If you would like to contact Terran, please fill out the form below. Thank you.